what is Quality

Some times you need a short defination. To answer the question in words or in a single sentence, here is the answer by some individuals,
1 its a vision
2 delighting customers
3 Meeting customer expectation
4 Level of acceptability
5 Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements
6 Doing right thing first time and every time
7 the standard of something when it is compared to other things like it; how good or bad something is
8 Process Discipline + Common Sense;
Totality of features and characterestics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs.
9 Fit for use
10 It is a feel good factor
11 benchmark for excellence
12 Fullfilling stated and implied requirements.
13 Quality:
Meeting the REQUIRED & IMPLIED needs.
14 Satisfied the customer as per drawing &  visual.
15 Customer satisfaction
16 Inverse of variability
17 Quality is driven by the customer, the more you study customer requirements the more you deliver a quality product.
18 Quality is sales sustainability because it is different from customer  to another customer


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